Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What I like about ME!!!!!! not really just 3 things about me

1. First and for most I am a single mom of 4...three girls 18, 16, 10, and one boy 13. I love them all the same however they have individual identities that make them very unique. My oldest daughter is getting ready to graduate high school and has been on the honor roll through out her entire academic experience. My second daughter gets straight A's and love playing sports, volleyball is her favorite, yet she also plays soccer and runs track. My youngest daughter has a love of many. She also is an honor roll student and at times a straight A student (I guess she got a little bit of both sisters). She loves to praise dance for our church and loves playing soccer and basketball. She dreams of being in gymnastics however I believe that her height gives her a much disadvantage. My son, the unique one, has a very strong personality in which I don't like at times but in the future will make him a very successful lawyer since he is very persuasive.

2. I barely have enough time to do anything for myself with going to school full time and keeping a full time job where I work at a shelter for battered women and their children. I enjoy this job and I have a passion for this field; being a survivor of domestic violence myself, I know that there was one time some one there for me and helped me become a smarter and stronger woman.

3. The third random thing about me is that with my plate full I really lead a very boring life at this moment and look forward to life getting a little more exciting after graduation. So for now this is it, life consists of my children, school, work, and sleep whenever possible.


  1. WOW! Thank you for sharing so much about yourself, so honestly! What is your major? When will you graduate?

  2. My major is social work and I plan on graduating in 2012/2013. Hopefully, LOL.
